About InvisiRail™
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About Our Company
InvisiRail™ Glass Railing System
Enjoy peace of mind with an industry leading lifetime warranty. Looking for more reasons to love InvisiRail™? It’s the only glass railing system on the market that spans up to 6ft, plus it’s affordable, low maintenance and looks great indoors and outdoors!

Choose Your Glass

Pick Your Posts

Care & Maintenance

Choose Your Glass

Pick Your Posts

Care & Maintenance
The choice is clear… or etched, or frosted! If you’re looking for privacy or distinction, customize your glass by ordering frosted/etched glass. All Invisirail glass is tempered, heat-soaked with polished, beveled edges. Invisirail railing systems have undergone rigorous testing to give you the peace of mind that you’re building with quality materials that will provide long-lasting safety.


Wood Posts
Suit your personality with a more traditional look. No stain colour is out of the question. Make your design dreams a reality!

Visti Posts
Available in textured black, textured white, weathered brown, textured bronze and brushed titanium. Caps and skirts are included with purchase.
Posts available for rail heights of 36”, 42”, 48”, 54”.


Standoffs are mounted on the deck fascia to support 12mm glass panels. Available in SS and Black.
Hardware & Accessories

InvisiRail™ Connectors
These stainless steel clamps hold the glass with a pin and a rubber gasket.
Stainless & Matte Black Connector

InvisiRail™ Multi-Angle Adapter
Use this adapter to handle any angle you desire between 0-95 degrees.

These matching stainless steel shims allow our standard sized panels to fit in a variety of openings.
Available in 3/8″, 1/2″, 3/4″, and 1″

Secondary Handrail
Available in stainless steel and black or white powder coated aluminum. It can be attached to the glass or the posts.

Lite 10 Hardware
A more affordable nylon connector option. Available in black, white and cedar.
- Lite 10 Connectors: Holds the glass and attached to any wood or aluminum post
- Lite 10 Spacers: Stackable.
Available sizes: ¼”, ½”, ¾” - Lite 10 45 degree adaptor
Care & Maintenance

Properly maintained stainless steel provides lustre, strength and durability.
In most applications, stainless steel will not rust or stain. However, when stainless steel comes into contact with chloride salts, sulphides or other rusting metals it can discolour or tarnish.
To maintain the beauty and function of the stainless steel for years to come:
- Clean stainless steel with soap and water, or other readily available stainless cleaning products for fridges, BBQs, etc. Just search “stainless steel cleaners” in Google or Amazon. We like and have used ‘Bar Keeper’s Friend’. Use of these cleaner and polish products will inhibit the future return of tarnish.
- Never use mineral acids, bleaches or coarse abrasives (like SOS pads, sandpaper, etc.).
- Always remove stains as soon as possible with either soap and water or a stainless steel cleaner as per above recommendations.
- If it appears as though there is rust on the post, it is usually something that has touched the post that has ferrous materials in it, and it is those that are rusting. Examples are grinding and sparks that have hit the post, using sandpaper that has ferrous materials in it, SOS pads, etc.